
FMA Sacred Spirit Chapter 10

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Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit

Chapter 10:

family reunion
~at winrys shop~

Winry: good night you guys
Neru: night!
Al: *outsaide*Emmy! Its time to come in!
Em: ok!*drawing a transmutation circle* done....ach...*holds stomach* ow...
Ed:*outside* hm? *walks over to Emmy*
Em: owowow...ok hm? *sees ed*
Ed:whats wrong?
Em:uh...its nothing...just a stomach ach...ach...
Ed:you sure?
Em:y-yeah...*looks at circle* i need to finish something....ach....
Ed:why are you making that?
Em:just for training. i also saw this in my dream....i dont know....what it...can do. *eyes get heavy*
Ed:I see
Em:*sways* woah...*puts hands on head* my head feels heavy....
Ed:you should get some sleep


Em:*sleeping* nnn....hnnn...
Em:nnn..neh....*eyes opened slowly**eyes possessed*
Ed:*walks to his room*
Em:*heard something* huh? *walks out of building**looks around* i could of swore i saw something zipped through here.
HellBell: *standing on circle*
Em:*saw hellbell* hello? who are you?
Ed:*see's Emmy outside and walks outside*
Em:*walks towards hellbell* hello?
Hellbell: *looks at emmy*
Em:are you lost?
Hellbell: *smirks*
Em:*sees ed* Ed?
Neru: whats going o-*sees hellbell**shocked and stunned*
Ed:*looks at Neru* whats wrong?
Hellbell: *looks at neru* ?!
Neru: Mimiru is!
Ed:Mimiru? your little sister?
Neru: yeah...mimiru? Mimiru?
Hellbell: *eyes turned human* s...sisy??
Neru: *smiles sadly* mimiru
Ed:*looks at Mimiru* *puts his hand in front of Neru to stop her from walking closer* something isn't right about her
Neru: ?? *looks at Mimiru
Hellbell: sissy? *eyes sadden*
Despair: *behind hellbell* Whats going on over here?
Neru: ?!
Ed:*glares at Despair*
Dispair: *glares back at ed* hmmph disturbance how disappointing.....*looks at emmy*
Ed:who are you?
Despair: Despair...this is Hellbell
Hellbell: NO! Im mimiru!
Despair: your memories are coming back eh? *eyes turned glowing red*
Hellbell: uh *eyes possessed and back to normal* thanks despair...*smirks*
Despair: *looks at Emmy*
Em:*closes her eyes*
Despair: that aint going to work girl....
Ed:*transmutate his automail into a blade and attacks Despair* leave her alone!!
Despair: huh...not gonna fly. *looks at emmy**eyes turn red*
Em:uh...*eyes posessed*
Despair: *smirks* now....activate that circle *points to circle on ground*
Em:*walks over to circle*
Ed:no!!!*punches Despair in the face with his automail arm* Emmy!!!*runs to Emmy and pined her to the ground*
Ed:Emmy, are you alright?
Em:*eyes back to normal* uh..hnnn *closes eyes**breaths heavily*
Ed: hm?
Em:*opens eyes* Ed?
Ed:yeah, it's me
Em:wh-what happend to me??
Ed:you were being controlled *stands up and glares at Despair*
Despair: *glares at ed* this isn't over yet
Ed: oh yeah?*clap his hands and touches the ground, he transmutate a stone cage around Despair**walks over to Mimiru*
hellbell: hm?
Neru: Edward?
Ed:*looks at Mimiru*
Hellbell: uh *eyes changes to human**shivers* who are you?
Ed:i'm Edward Elric*put his hand out for her to take it* i'm a friend of your sister *smiles*
Mimiru: *looks at ed nervously* friend...of sisy? *looks at neru*
Neru: *eyes sadden**smiles sadly*
Despair: oh please you really want her to come with you? shes half humunculi....were nothing but trash that you can throw away......where not even human shes lucky actually....mimiru was alive when we took her with us when we found her laying in the basement.
Ed:I don't think people are trash, even if they are humunculi....
Despair: *eyes determind**starts to vanish* Father summons sorry but you will see her another time. bye
Mimiru: uh! sisy! *holds out hand*
Neru: MIMIRU!!
Ed:no!*holds Mimiru close*your not leaving, i'm not letting another friend go, you hear me?
Mimiru: *hugs ed*
Despair: *smiles**holds out hand and the humunculi symbol vanished on mimiru* take care of her then
Ed:I will, and thanks *smiles*
Despair: *vanishes*
Mimiru: *hugs ed* uh wheres sisy? do u know where she is?
Ed:*smiles* yes, *stands up* she is over there *points to Neru*
Mimiru: sisy?
Neru: *tears came down* y-yes *smiles*
Mimiru: *tears came down* SISY!! *hugs neru**cries*
Neru: baby sister *cries deep*
Em:*smiles sadly**eyes sadden deep*
Neru: thank you vary much Edward....and so glad your alive *cries*
Em:*eyes sadden deep*
Ed:your welcome*looks at Emmy* whats wrong Emmy?
Em:*eyes sadden deep* its nothing.......*walks away sadly*
Ed:*follows her* are you sure?
Em:i guess *eyes sadden vary deep**stops* sometimes.....i wish....i could have someone like neru has......her sister happy that neru is happy.....just right now....i kinda....feel vary lonley.....i dont have someone like mimiru to love....*walks away vary sadly**tear came down*
Ed:*grabs her arm* well, I don't know if I count, but you got Al, Winry, Neru, Mimiru, Nike and me
Ed:yes Emmy
Em:*eyes sadden deep**hugs ed*
Ed:*hugs Emmy*
Em:*hugs ed**cries silently*
Ed:it's okay
Al: hey what are you guys doing? *sees ed and emmy* hey you guys ok?
Ed:yes, Emmy is just crying
Al: did something happend that made her upset?
Ed:she just miss her family and friends
Al: ah well she has us
Ed:I know, I told her that then she started crying again
Al: well maybe she needs to let her feelings out. I bet shes vary happy that she has us to take care of her. Including you!
Ed:yeah, wait, what do you mean by me?*looks at Al*
Al: well....what do you think?
Ed:just tell me Al
Neru: *holds mimiru* she likes you Ed. Your....important to her like mimiru is important to me.
Mimiru: *sleeping*
Neru: you would be angry if something bad happends to emmy and same thing with emmy. She would be upset if something bad happends to you. She likes you vary much. I can tell by her actions. Same with you dont you understand Ed?
Ed:now that mention it, Emmy has been doing crazy things for me, like wanting to come with me when I go somewhere dangerous by myself....
Neru: yes she doesn't want you to do things alone. She wants to help you. I would of done the same thing with Nike and mimiru. Help them out. Emmy really cares about you Ed and so do you. Do you Ed?
Ed: I do...
Neru: *smiles* I bet she dosen't want anything bad happening to you the same way you feel for her if she gets in danger. maybe......just maybe.......*thinks**smiles*
Ed: hm?
Neru: sorry to say but maybe she loves you *giggles*
Ed:*blushes alot* y-yeah, m-maybe
Neru: well do you Ed?
Ed:maybe *looks away and blushing alot*
Neru: *giggles* oh you do Ed. Well anyways lets go to bed.

~in building~

Em:*sleeping* hnnnn
Keilay: *appears**smiles* child.... your feelings are the same as mine when i met Lenlu. *eyes sadden* sadly my love did not last forever. *smiles**puts hands on emmys head* your feelings for him will be true in time in the future. *looks at Ed* young alchemist. Thank you for protecting her....
Ed:*talks in sleep* your welcome Keilay............
Keilay: *smiles**rubs eds head* your a skilled alchemist....and so is she. *smiles* both of her and your feelings for each other are strong. keep that safe and never give it up.
Ed:*talks in sleep* okay
Keilay: *vanishes*
Em:*wakes up* uh! *breaths heavily*
Em:*lays down**sleeps* must be a nightmare....*sleeps deep*

~next morning~

*sleeping* huu...
Al: brother wake up it morning *shakes ed*
Al: *sigh**shakes emmy*
Em:hmm? Al?
Al: hey could you wake ed up for me?
Em:*blushes* oh ok....*sigh**gets up*
Al: ok well i'll go get the tickets ok?
Em: ok....*dazed**looks at ed**sigh*
Em:*blushes**shakes ed* wake up Ed. please wake up
Em:*blushes hard**gose up in his ear**whispers* come on wake up Ed please? wake up. wake up!
Em:*blushes hard* wake up ed!!
Nike: aloha emmy! *wacks emmys head* uh oops
Em:*accidentally kissed ed**blushes vary hard*
Ed:*blushes very hard*
Em:*puts hands over mouth**blushes vary vary hard* im so so so sorry Ed. *looks away*
Ed:*wakes up**blushing alot*
Em:*eyes sadden**blushes vary vary hard* im vary sorry Ed..*walks away*
Ed:*looks at Nike* what did I do?!
Nike: *sweatdrop* its nothing you did. I whacked her head hard thats all. oops heh heh.
Nike: well one thing i remembered is that Al asked her to wake you up even though emmy is shy to do so. *rubs head* heh i didn't mean to hit her head ^^;
Nike: huu i bet shes outside right now *walks into kitchen*
Ed:*gets up and puts on his clothes*
Em:*outside**drawing on ground* almost done...ow! ouch...*got a cut on her wrist* how did that happen? *looks at circle**sigh*
Ed:*walks outside*
Em:*continues to finish circle* done...ow *looks at the cut on her wrist**sigh* its not that serious...*looks at circle*
Ed:*walks to her* your making that circle again?
Em:yeah. Its the circle from last night remember? I saw this in this book i found. The page seems to be hundreds of years old. Its also another trick of spirit alchemy. ow! *cut on her wrist bleed* what the heck i keep getting a cut like this and i didn't use anything to make this happen. *sigh*
Ed:it's very strange
Em:yeah...*got up**senses someone*
Ed:*looks at the circle*
Em:*getting a bad feeling* uh....ach!! *got another cut on her right arm*

~circle starts to dimly glow~

Ed:that doesn't look good
Em:*looks at the circle* uh...*puts hand on bleeding arm*
Ed:you better get inside and get that healed
Em: ok..

~inside building~

Neru: *bandaging wound* there you go. the cut is a bit deep but you'll live. have you guys met a person named pistachio? *looks at Ed and Al and others*
Winry: nope
Nike: no
Ed:*thinks*yeah we did, twice, why you ask?
Neru: well maybe she can help emmy with that wound. I dont have any medicine for it.
winry: me neither.
Em:uh...*walks outside**sees the circle glowing* uh...Ed..? *said it worriedly*
Ed:*walks out* what the hell?!
Em:i dont know whats happening
Ed:this doesn't look good!

~the circle shinned vary bright~

Ed:whats wrong?!
Em:*circle shined and emmy starts to disappear* oh no! not again!
Ed:dammit!!! Keilay!! whats going on?!?!?!
Em:uh *eyes possessed*
Keilay: *appears* the circle is trying to take emmy! the circle is trying to warp emmy somewhere else and its been activated!!
Ed:how do I deactivate it?!
Keilay: i dont know! uh!

~circle shined dimly~

Keilay: the circle stopped. i think someone is trying to activated it on the other side. *vanishes*
Ed:*catches Emmy*
Em:*moans in pain**breaths heavily*
Ed:Emmy! please be okay
Em:*eyes opened* huh? Ed?
Ed:Emmy, your okay
Em:*smiles* y-yeah.....are you ok?
Ed: yes
Em:*sits up* the circle stopped glowing....keilay....when she appeared.....i blacked out....that was scary....
Ed:I agree
Em:*shivers* i guess this journey is about to get even worse isn't it?
Em:well.... where not going to let the whole world die if we dont do something about it now wont we? *stands up* you know what Ed? maybe....*looks at ed with determined eyes* maybe i should become a state alchemist someday...*smiles*
Ed:yeah *smiles*
Em:I think if i become one i think i know what my tittle will be *thinks* *smiles*
Ed:*smiles* Spirit Alchemist?
Em:yeah! *giggles and laughs* I'll be the Spirit Alchemist. *smiles* How do you know?
Ed:you well be a alchemist and you have a spirit with you
Ed:do you really think i have the power to be one though?
Ed:I do *smiles*
Em:*smiles* hehe ok i will try my best to be one. Thanks Ed
Ed:your welcome Emmy *smiles*
Em:*smiles**blushes* um can i hug u Ed?
Ed:um, sure
Em:*blushes* um ok. *hugs ed* sorry im vary shy to ask that
Ed:it's okay Emmy *smiles*
Em:*smiles**blushes* ok *giggles*
Em:well...*looks at circle* what should we do about the circle? its like calling to us a minute ago
Ed:I don't know *looks at the circle* but one thing for sure, the humunculous wants to use it
Em:maybe Ed.....maybe.... but why?
Ed:I don't know
Em:well what should we do now?
Ed:well, we should do what Neru told us to do, go see Pistachio
Em: ok *smiles*
Ed: okay
Neru: *gives ed the address* heres the address to the home pistachio is in. its not her own home because her mom isn't around here anymore. well years ago since shes a demon. shes staying with some friends.
Nike: yeah.
Neru: where are you going Nike?
Al: where helping him find his younger brother.
Ed:yeah, do you know anything about him? you can tell us?
Neru: uh sorry i dont.
Nike: ok
Neru: maybe you can ask pistachio. maybe she knows.
Ed: okay
neru: now be careful you guys and good luck
Ed: we will
Ch 11- [link]
OK well im gonna post up the roleplay (script style)
so sorry its in script style. well anyways i hope you guys enjoy!

Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit Role players:
:icondan1311: plays as :iconedplz:
:iconanimeemm: plays as everyone else

Chapter 10: Family Reunion

after when they came back from the party, emmy notices someone is outside and she gose out to see who it is. it was a little girl by the age of 3 to her eyes and wonder whats wrong.

edward woke up and notices emmy is gone. he got up and sees emmy outside. then neru also woke up and then recognizes the little girl. it was her little sister who she res erected back from the dead. ed stops neru from getting closer to her sister mimiru. then another humunculous named Despair who looks like emmy mostly, had came to kidnap emmy.

ed stops despair to force emmy to activate the circle on the ground emmy drew that can teleport someone to another place. when ed stopped emmy from her posessed state thanks to despair emmy wakes up and then despair leaves and mimiru was normal again.

neru and mimiru had a family reunion.....but for emmy. its never for her since her parents and family are gone from her life. though ed encourages emmy that he and the others are her family now.

with a hug of tears and heartbreak from emmys soul, the feelings for ed and emmy grow deeper inside their souls forever.

Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit Comics:
Page 1:[link]
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