
FMA Sacred Spirit Chapter 5

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Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit Chapter 5

Attack of the enemy

~at central~

Em:wow this place is huge.
Ed: I know

~inside building~

Em:so where do we go? *feels lost*
Ed:first, lets meet up with Mustang
Em: ok
Ed:*walks to Mustang office*
Roy: hmm? Edward? what brings you here?
Ed: we need info on Scar
Roy:Scar huh? well theres been some info on him that hes around here in central
Ed:anything else?
Roy:im afraid not. Now listin.... you know about the wear abouts about your friends tattoo right? so im going to tell you that he WILL come after you since your a state alchemist. so watch your backs. and maybe he might come after her if she inter fears with you and scar if you ran into him.
Ed: okay

~at apartment~

Al:so scar is in central. So what should we do?
Em:*looks at window and its raining* ......*remembering being with her friends* ah..*puts hand on head*
Ed: we find scar
Al: ok...
Em:*looks at window and saw someone* huh? *walks out of room*
Al: emmy?
Ed:lets go Al. i'm not letting her go by herself again *follows Emmy*
Al: *follows ed* i think she might of saw someone that she might recognized
Ed: but who?
Al: i dont know but im having a bad feeling again. someone is trying to lure her out or something.


Em:*walks outside* where are you....huh? *sees person* Natasha?? Natasha!!
Scar: hmmm....who is it?
Em:uh...oh sorry i thought your someone else...*eyes sadden* sorry i thought your where my friend natasha for a second. *walks away*
Scar: foolish girl...
Ed:*runs to Emmy* there you are *looks at Scar* are you Scar?
Scar: *glares at Ed*
Em:sorry i took off. I.......i thought i saw my friend. *eyes sadden deeply*
Ed:it's okay Emmy*glares at Scar*
Scar: you are the Fullmetal Alchemist correct?
Em:*looks at scar nervously and hides behind ed*
Ed:yes, so you are Scar
Scar: indeed. foolish alchemist you shall be punished *attacks ed*
Ed:*blocks him* tsk, nice try *punches Scar*
Scar: rrrrrr then i will attack them *attacks alphonse*
Ed:*uses alchemy to make a stone wall in front of Al* leave him alone!!
Scar: *uses alchemy and destroys the wall*
Al: ?!
Em: ?!!
Ed: what?!
Scar: *attacks alphonse*
Al: ah! *attacks scar*
Scar: *grabs side of al* now perish! * destroys al's side of his armor*
Ed:*transmutate his metal arm into a blade* I said Leave!.Him!.Alone!.*cuts Scar*
Scar: ach! grrrrrrr *grabs eds automail arm* you threaten me now thy parish * destroys eds automail arm*
Em:*shocked* AH!
Ed: AAA!!
Scar: try to interfere and you will die as well
Em:no! leave him alone!!
Ed:stay out of this Emmy!! *looks at Scar* we didn't came here to pick a fight!! we came here for your help!!!
Scar: for what?! you alchemist killed my people and my country. alchemist must perish! *about to hurt ed*
Scar: *stops* hmmEm:Im not going to let you kill NOT going to have another friend of mine die right in front of me AGAIN!!! *filled with anger**tears came down*
Al: emmy...
Ed:look, were not the ones that killed the people from your country!!!! so you can't blame us!!
Scar: still, alchemist are evil creatures who used there powers for evil.
Scar: hmm...*looks at emmy*
Em:Listen to what Ed is trying to say! I know how that felt by the loss of your family and friends. I lost mine. They died right in front of me. and it hurts. BUT DONT BLAME ON PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO YOU AT ALL!!! *eyes filled with anger*
Al: emmy calm down
Ed:yeah Emmy, calm down

~raining hard~

Em:no ed.*looks at ed sadly**shivering filled with anger and glares at scar*
Scar: *gets up and walks towards emmy* girl... i sense that you have a hidden power in you.
Em:uh....*backs away*
Ed:leave her alone!!
Scar:hmmm now.....what is it that you need help with?
Ed:we know that you and Mei know about alchehistory
Scar: well mostly the girl not me
Scar: and you *looks at emmy* i sense a vary strong power from you.
Ed:thats why we need your and Meis help
Scar: for what?
Ed:it involve the strong power you sensing
Scar: *looks at emmy*
Em:uh...*backs away but there was a wall*...
Scar: I sense the power from your back. Thats what most is coming from.
Al: she has a tattoo on her back
Scar: you dont say *pulls emmys hair*
Em: ow! that hurts!
Ed:let her go!
Scar: listin to me boy. Its you i want to kill today. If you and your brother and your friend interferes, they will die as well
Em:Let me go!
Ed:she said let her go!!!!!
Scar: Im not letting you amestris people to use your power for distruction.
Em: owowowow...grrrrr.....
Al: Let her go scar!
Scar: *lets emmy go and glares at her*
Al:emmy run!!
Ed:were not using the power for destruction!!! were trying to get ride of it without hurting Emmy!!!!
Scar: *stops* hmmmph....
Em:*pants*...haaa..haaa.....*stinging pain came on emmys back* ahh..*collapsed* aaaahhaaa!
Gluttony: i smell him...i smell him
Scar: hmm?!
Al: huh?!
Ed:*turns around* it's Gluttony!!!
Em:*shocked* uh! *looks at hands* lets see if it can work. *runs to Ed* Im not sure if this is going to work *claps hands and rebuild Eds automail arm* *pants* haa...there...
Ed: thanks
Em:*pants* go get him or do something...
Gluttony: hmmm its Ed. Me hungry *smirks and attacks*
Gluttony: *misses hit on Ed* man....*sees emmy* then I will get her!
Al: RUN!!
Em:IM NOT RUNNING!!!!Ed:leave her alone!!!! *cuts Gluttony arm off*
Gluttony: ouch that hurt. *arm reapears* much better
Em: ?!! grrrrr *closes eyes*claps hands*
Gluttony: *attacks emmy*
Em:*eyes turned blue*ALEI OH A KEN SU OH KA!*hands out* *giant flash of light hits gluttony and gluttony vanished*
Al: her eyes turned blue...
Ed:how did you do that?
Em:*keilays voice* I used some of the ancient techniques in spirit alchemy. focusing the engery into one and then release it by saying the chanting spell. *eyes turned back to normal* *collapsed* nnnh...
Ed:*catches her*
Lust: my what a long drama fight you have to put up with.
Envy: I say you suck at fighting gluttony and what did we tell you NOT to eat anyone until we TELL you!
Gluttony: im sorry. im hungry i cant help it
Em:nnnnhh...*looks up* theres....more of them...uh...*remembers something* ?!!
Ed:*glares at them*
Em:Ed....i remember something.....*shivers*
Ed: what is it?~rains~

Em:*shivers* parts memory...showed me back when my parents where killed....those guys....there the ones who killed my parents......
Envy: oooooooo Hey Lust? That girl looks familiar
Lust: oooh yes. shes the little girls parents we killed. We forgot to deal with her.
Gluttony: can i eat her?
Lust: hmmm
Envy: no lets bring her to father
Al: say what?!
Ed:you won't lay a finger on her!!!!!!
Lust: awww the fullmetal boy seems to like the girl
Envy: aww isn't that cute
Em:*blushes vary hard*
Ed:*blushes alot* just shut up!!!!
Envy: heh heh heh well it seems like it.
Lust: remember boy, she WILL become a philosopher stone. We will get her.
~vanished in the rain~

Em:*blushes like hell*
Ed:dammit!!*punches the ground*
Al: Ed calm down.
Em:*walks over to alphonse**claps hands and fixed al's side*
Al: wow thanks emmy
Em:*hiding in shadows**sits* your welcome al....*eyes sadden**sigh*
Ed:I will kill them!!!
Al: brother....dont worry were not going to let them get her.
Em:*stands up**pants* this cant be happening......a...aAAaa..AAAAAACHO! *falls* ooow
Ed:you okay?
Em: owwww yeah im ah..ah.aaACHOOO! *feels dizzy*
Al: we better get back inside before you catch a cold you two
Ed:lets get you to a doctor
Em: ok...
Ed: okay~Hospital~

Doctor: *comes out of room* umm *looks at ed and al* are you emmys friends?
Ed: yes
Doctor: well apparently from the looks of it she just has a fever. With some water and sleep she will be better by tomorrow
Ed: okay

~at apartment~

Em:*pants* im sorry that this is happening again. *eyes sadden*
Ed: its okay
Em:huuuuu *feels dizzy*
Ed:go get some rest
Em:*nods* ok...*lays on the couch and sleeps*
Ed: *smiles*
Al:you seem happy about something
Ed:it's good that she is okay
Al:aaaaaah ^_^ me to
Ed: yeah~next morning~

Em:*sleeping and falls off couch* ooooow
Ed: *sleeping*
Em:*got back on the couch* ......*draws*
Ed: *sleeping*
Al: morning emmy
Em:morning Al. *smiles*
Al: feeling better?
Em:yeah. alot better thanks ^^
Al:I bet Ed would be happy to hear that. right now hes still asleep e_e
Al:hmmm ever try to wake Ed up?
Em: oooooooooooooooh nonononononooooooooo i never wake up anyone. Especially Ed *blushes*
Al: aaaaaah well i'll wake him up
Ed: *sleeping*
Al:*walks in room* brother wake up!
Ed: *sleeping*
Ed: *sleeping*
Al: e________e emmy can i borrow your binder please?
Em:uuuuuuh sure Al why?
Al: you'll see
Em: O.O uuuuuuuuuuuh
Al:*wacks ed with emmys binder* GET UP YOU LAZY BROTHER OF MINE!!
Ed: ow!!!! what the hell Al!?!?!?
Al: GET UP! i tried to wake you up 4 times and you havent woke up yet! also breakfest is almost ready and im going out to get the tickets so i need SOMEONE to watch emmy witch is YOU! e_e
Em:*hearing Al and Ed*harsh Al harsh. u_u
Ed:alright alright!!!
Al: ok *leaves* ill be back
Em:uuuuuuuh Al? wheres my binder you borrowed?
Al: its in Eds room *leaves*
Em:I'll go get it when Ed is not in the room *blushes and draws*
Ed:*goes take a shower*
Em:*gets up and walks in Eds room* now where is it *found it under the bed* how the heck did it got under there? *grabs binder and walks out*
Ed:*taking a shower* Em:*making breakfast* the eggs are done now. *puts them on plate* ok ^^ hmmmmmm I wonder what will happen today? Ok i got to let that sit to cool *puts plate of eggs and pancakes on table* ok.*back on couch and reading her story she made*
Ed:*gets out of the shower and puts on his clothes*
Em:*reading her story* *sigh* dont know what else to put in >//< uuuuug so hard and depressing!
Ed:*behind Emmy* whats wrong Emmy?
Em:huh? i-its nothing *gives nervous shy smile**holding her notebook with her story in it*
Ed:whats that?
Em:*blushes* my story im doing.
Ed: I see *looks at emmy* why the hell are you blushing?!
Em:nothing! >//< story that im doing story......>////< so......yeah *hides face*
Ed:what ever *walks away*
Em:*thought-sigh this is not easy to be around by someone that thinks im an idiot* *sigh**draws*
Al: im back. *looks at emmy* hey u ok?
Em:*gives al a deep unemotional face* im fine
Al: um ok. *thought-something happend* I got the tickets. we can go now
Ed: good
Al: ok
Page 6:[link]
OK well im gonna post up the roleplay (script style)
so sorry its in script style. well anyways i hope you guys enjoy!

Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit Role players:
:icondan1311: plays as :iconedplz:
:iconanimeemm: plays as everyone else

Chapter 5: Attack of the enemy

attacked?! oh crud >.<

Fullmetal Alchemist Sacred Spirit Comics:
Page 1:[link]
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